Leading the way in PDF productivity

Power PDF provides everything you need to create, convert, edit, share & e-sign PDF files.

Create & Assemble PDFs

Create industry standard PDF files by combining files and removing / replacing pages with drag and drop ease

Sign & Send

Seamlessly send documents internally or externally for signature from within the application to enhance business workflow

Document Comparison

Easily identify amendments, additions and deletions from two versions of a document

Convert, edit & redact

Convert to PDF from almost any file type or convert to text searchable PDF or Word document at the click of a button.

Powerful capabilities for your PDF document needs

Maximise Adoption

A modern, intuitive interface with a Quick Access Toolbar that lets users create shortcuts to frequently used features and capabilities.

Enhance Security

Redact sensitive information, password protect & encrypt documents, or apply full digital rights management.

Optimise Productivity​

Automate and simplify document scanning, capture, conversion and comparison workflow.

Minimise Cost

Save up to 67% on licensing costs by deploying one application with all features and functionalities.

Key Features


Digital Signature

Document Comparison

Create & Convert


Power PDF integrates with some of the leading applications and technologies


No time at all, it’s a very simple process.

“I used the predecessor version and am truly happy with the product. Without any hesitation, I upgraded to the new Kofax Power PDF when it was offered. I am even happier with Kofax. It’s user-friendly as before, especially with easy-to-follow instructional videos online; this is mainly because the product is easy and intuitive to use. The learning curve is minimal, especially for Word and Adobe users. I used it every day in place of Adobe.”

Yes.  We can help you evaluate the benefits of PowerPDF.  Please contact us to get this underway.

PowerPDF is available on both a subscription and perpetual licence basis.  Get in touch and we talk through the options.



Why countless law firms are switching to Power PDF